Nationale Opera & Ballet

Even after you’ve taken your final bow, your legacy can play a pivotal role in the flourishing future of opera and ballet. By bequeathing a gift to Dutch National Opera & Ballet, you immortalise your presence in an extraordinary way, supporting a new wave of artists, creators and mesmerising performances. Do you still remember that opera with its meticulously designed set, or the ballet adorned with exquisitely detailed costumes. Moments of sheer brilliance, etched in your memory. Would you like to bestow such cherished experiences upon future generations? Consider a bequest to Dutch National Opera or Dutch National Ballet, or perhaps both. Your enduring support will guarantee future audiences enjoy unforgettable performances. Rest assured, your contribution will be a testament to your devotion to the arts of opera, ballet, or, indeed, both. You have the unique opportunity to define the exact purpose of your legacy. Take, for example, the enchanting costumes from the dream scene in Raymonda (2022), brought to life through the kind bequest of a dedicated patron. Moreover, your support can foster emerging talent, educational ventures and pioneering performances, Share your cultural passion across generations including the Opera Forward Festival, the Junior Company, Dutch National Opera Studio, and the celebration of Black Achievement Month. Your contribution is vital. It enables us to continue nurturing these enriching programmes and to uphold the exceptional standards of our opera and ballet productions. Tax benefits of your generosity As the Dutch National Opera & Ballet Fund is an officially recognised public benefit organisation (ANBI), your donation is exempt from inheritance tax. This ensures that the entirety of your gift directly supports the company or project you hold dear. Crafting your legacy Together, we can explore the specific causes or projects you wish to champion through your legacy and determine the best way to structure your gift. You might consider naming Dutch National Opera & Ballet (or one of its constituent companies) as a beneficiary or making a specific bequest. For tailored advice and guidance, please contact us. We are here to help you make a lasting and meaningful impact. Would you like to explore the various ways you can leave a legacy? Scan the QR code or visit for further details. Alternatively, you can request a brochure using the contact details provided below. Nadja van Deursen 020 551 8218 Scan the QR code for more information or contact us directly. Keep opera and ballet thriving 146 Support