Entrepreneurial Behaviour for a Sustainable Future

Bohm’s introduction of the Rheomode underscores a very important point: our discourse about global issues, such as climate change, often isolates us from the very problems we seek to solve. By referring to the planet in terms of an ”overheating earth”, we detach ourselves from our integral role within the problem. Yet, we are part of the planet which implies that we are also overheating. Bohm advocated for a shift towards a more holistic perspective. In that way the continuous flow of reality helps us understand our part and responsibility in global challenges. When considering our position within the planet we conclude that we are endangering our own ecosystem by utilising more resources than is feasible. In the Science published article by Richardson et al. (2023), they explain the Holocene period which allowed the global environmental functions and life-support systems to remain similar over the past ~10,000 years. In 1760, during the Industrial Revolution in the United Kingdom, a process began that endangers our ecosystem by pushing beyond the planet’s natural boundaries. The concept of planetary boundaries identifies nine critical Earth system processes that must remain within certain limits to ensure a stable and habitable planet. For each of these boundaries, scientists have identified control variables that act as indicators of the state of these processes. In Figure 3.1 an overview of the current state of the control variables for all nine planetary boundaries are shown. Figure 3.1: The current status of the nine Planetary Boundary systems and processes. The length of the wedges represents the current status with respect to the planetary boundary (green) and the high-risk line (orange). Smooth fading indicates an uncertainty range, while dashing means that there is no quantification of the current state beyond the planetary boundary. (Source: Richardson et al. (2023)) the Science published article by Richardson et al. (2023), they e locene period which allowed the global environmental functio pport systems to remain similar over the past ~10,000 years. I the Industrial Revolution in the United Kingdom, a process bega ers our ecosystem by pushing beyond the planet’s natural boun e concept of planetary boundaries identifies nine critical Earth ses that must remain within certain limits to ensure a stab ble planet. For each of these boundaries, scientists have ide l variables that act as indicators of the state of these proces 3.1 an overview of the current state of the control variables anetary boundaries are shown. 3.1: The current status of the nine Planetary Boundary s ocesses. The length of the wedges represents the current statu t to the planetary boundary (green) and the high-risk line (o h fading indicates an uncertainty range, while dashing mean s no quantification of the current state beyond the planetary bou (Source: Richardson et al. (2023)) 11 3.1 Concern for Our Planet